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Agustin B. Molina

Agustin B. Molina

Biodiversity International, Philippines


Dr. Agustin B. Molina, was Senior Scientist and Regional Coordinator for Asia of Bioversity International since 1998, and currently Honorary Research Fellow and Acting Regional Coordinator after his retirement in 2014. He spent more than 15 years of research on banana Fusarium Wilt with regional partners in the Banana Asia Pacific Network. His career transcended the academe, industry and international R&D. He was Plant Pathologist/Director of Research of Chiquita Brands Inc in Central America for 10 years; former professor and Chair of Department of Plant Pathology at University of the Philippines, Los Banos. He obtained his PhD degree in Plant Pathology at Pennsylvania State University in 1983. He has published and presented many papers in his field.


Abstract : Resistance of different Musa varieties to some strains of Fusarium oxyporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) with particular focus on Foc Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) in the Philippines.