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Peter M. Gresshoff

Peter M. Gresshoff

Director and Professor
The University of Queensland


Professor Gresshoff is Professor of Botany at UQ. He is also Director of the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Centre of Excellence in Integrative Legume Research. He received his PhD in Genetics from ANU (Canberra) in 1974 and DSc in Molecular Genetics (also ANU) in 1988. In his 40 year career in plant science he has developed deep interests in plant development and its genetic control. He has focused his interests on legume plants, and especially the process of root nodulation which is a prerequisite for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. He has published over 300 research papers, edited 10 books, and is co-inventor listed on 12 patents. He is a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is member of numerous international editorial boards as well as expert advisor to the IAEA, the European Union, Qantas, and other biotechnology interests. He is a dedicated teacher and researcher and feels that the understanding of biological processes is essential for industrial development of an idea.

Research Interest

plant Genomics, Agriculture, plant science