Call for Abstract

International Conference On Plant Genomics, will be organized around the theme “Accelerating Innovations & Fostering Advances in Plant Genomics and Plant Science”

europlantgenomics2019 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in europlantgenomics2019

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Genomics is a branch of genetics that is concerned with the sequencing and exploration of organism genome. Plant genomics is the field of advanced science that allows scientist to examine a numerous number of genes and to understand the genetic architecture of plant genomes and identify the genes responsible for mutations. It also assists in maintaining a large number of database that serves us to analyze genetic differentiation and to grow new plant type.

  • Track 1-1Molecular biology
  • Track 1-2Genome analysis
  • Track 1-3DNA sequencing and bioinformatics
  • Track 1-4Study of epistasis, Pleiotropy, Heterosis
  • Track 1-5Molecular Markers and Genotyping

Genomes have evolved in nature and populations in the past as well as in modern schedule have been evolving. There are many ways of origin of species in nature and the parental genome is developed and modified. Some of these natural processes include genetic mutations, polyploidy, especially natural hybridizations, chromosomal aberrations and corresponding many inherent molecular mechanisms operative within individuals. Many of these events have sometimes resulted in “genomic reshuffle” causing expressions of those DNA sequences which were once present in the distant past geological history (many years ago). Such several examples are prevalent among plants and animals. Additionally, evolutionary mechanisms have evolved such organisms which are either connecting links between groups (&)or are unique amalgamated genomes such as Platypus among animals. In the past few years, some rare plants have shown the presence of a few DNA stretches matching the DNA sequences on the human chromosomes.

  • Track 2-1Plant morphology
  • Track 2-2Regional specification
  • Track 2-3Cellular differentiation
  • Track 2-4Origin of replication

Plant Genetics is a wide spectrum term, the concept of genetics is the branch of biology and it deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among parallel or related organisms. There are multiple types of genetics in general. Plant genetics deals with the activities of the plant that results the day to day life processes of the plant. Plants developed stage by arrange capable hereditary and epigenetic administrative foundations to react quickly to revolting  natural circumstances, for instance, warm, cold, drought, and pathogen illnesses. Precisely warm to a great degree knocks plant development and upgrade, unwelcoming quality and every day temperament, and implies an unaffected risk to the all-inclusive sustenance source. Transgenes emit an impression of being particularly fragile to epigenetic assortment which can provoke transgene quieting, that is the whole or deficient inactivation of transgene verbalization.

  • Track 3-1Disease and stress resistance
  • Track 3-2mRNA and RNA analysis
  • Track 3-3Plant breeding methods
  • Track 3-4Pathogen detection and analysis
  • Track 3-5Transcription of DNA into RNA
  • Track 3-6Gene expression

Plant nutrition is ultimately an applied subject that seeks to interprets the processes and mechanisms that underpin the uptake, assimilation and internal redistribution of nutrients by plants and this information is used to improve the yield or quality of harvested plant parts, be they grains, storage roots or leafy vegetables. The subject now also encompasses to understanding the responses of plants to nutrient toxicities as well as new topics such as metal ‘hyperaccumulation’ and its exploitation in soil decontamination.Horticulture Sciences is the part of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of vegetable garden plant growing. Horticulture is the science and art of producing, improving, marketing, and also using fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. It is different from botany and other plant sciences in that horticulture incorporate both science and aesthetics.

  • Track 4-1Identification of plant biosynthetic genes of nutritional importance
  • Track 4-2Nutritional composition of crops
  • Track 4-3Mechanisms of hereditary transmission and variation of inherited characteristics
  • Track 4-4Plant conservation
  • Track 4-5Plant propagation
  • Track 4-6 Soil management

Plant Science is placed around the genetic and cell switch of the plant expansion and enhancement in establish classes, crops and their wild relations employing genomics, proteomics, backgrounds science and boosted bright microscopy. Plant Science is concentrate for projected to give replacements an understanding of in what way plants effort, climbing at the atom to the biological system and how this capacity helps the execution of plants in characteristic and farming environments. Plant Science is a significant focal point of reasonable research undertaking at ANU, distribution overall from the dimensions, vitality, associations, and hereditary qualities and demonstrating of plants and their surroundings. Agricultural science is the part of science that involves in the development of biological systems for the sustainable production of fiber and food. It has the capacity to lower the cost of raw materials, increase farming revenue and also improves environmental quality. Sustainable management of land and soil will support agricultural productivity, climate change mitigation,  food security, and a  wide range of ecosystem services.

  • Track 5-1Herbalism
  • Track 5-2Taxonomy
  • Track 5-3 Molecular diffusion
  • Track 5-4Agricultural biotechnology
  • Track 5-5Production techniques
  • Track 5-6Development of new pesticides
  • Track 5-7 Molecular diagnostics, vaccines

Plant Breeding is the method in which humans deliberately change the characteristics of plants over time to make them better crops and more nourishing food. Population genetics involves in the examination and modeling of characteristic changes in the frequencies of genes and alleles in plant populations over time and space. These are two methods in plant breeding- Conventional method and Unconventional method. Polyploidy has many effects on plants which vary greatly from species to species, and also from functions of gene expression, ploidy level, heterozygosity and different traits of individual plants. It is the method that inserts the genome into small fragments, characterizes each fragment, then arranges them back together. Pyrosequencing involves sequencing by the process of synthesis, a simple technique for reliable and standard analysis of DNA sequences. The genome sequencing involves in determining the genome of complete plant DNA sequence at a single time. Developments in high-throughput sequencing have changed genetics and genomics, with lowers the costs leading to a rapid explosion in genome sequencing project size. The presence of DNA sequence data entitles the discovery of molecular markers of broad agronomic traits creating new opportunities for crop yield improvement.

  • Track 6-1Whole genome sequencing
  • Track 6-2DNA sequencing
  • Track 6-3Shotgun sequencing.
  • Track 6-4Pre Implantation genetic diagnosis
  • Track 6-5QTL mapping or gene discovery
  • Track 6-6Marker assisted breeding
  • Track 6-7Marker assisted selection

Plant proteomics is an in-depth study of a specific proteome, including information on protein and its modifications and variations. Plant Proteomics is concerned with the entire complement of proteins of the plants including the modifications made to a particular set of proteins.  Plant proteomics works with the cooperating accomplices and individuals related to it in a consecutive system. Plant Proteomics features the quick advance in this field in plants, with accentuation on late work in, demonstrate plant species, subcellular organelles, and parts of the vegetation cycle, example, multiplication, flagging, and stress physiology.

  • Track 7-1Protein identification
  • Track 7-2Protein structure
  • Track 7-3Post-translational modifications
  • Track 7-4Protein detection with antibodies
  • Track 7-5Phosphorylation

 Plant signaling is the capacity of plants to identify and respond to the earth to change their morphology, physiology, and phenotype in like manner. Different subdivisions like plant physiology, nature, and atomic science are used to examine the capacities of the plant. Plants responds for chemicals, gravity, light, dampness, contaminations, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide focuses, parasite pervasion, malady, physical disturbance, sound, and touch.

 Many chemicals are analytics for plant growth and development and in integrating various stress signals and controlling downstream stress responses by modulating gene expression machinery and regulating various pumps and biochemical reactions. Plant hormones are also responsible for chemical signaling in plants. The drought signaling in plants due to Abscisic acid during the time when there is stress on water availability. Calcium signaling is one of the important intracellular secondary messenger molecules involved in many signal transduction pathways in plants. Nitric Oxide signaling is an important chemical signaling adopted by plants for efficient utilization of Nitrogen from the soil.

  • Track 8-1Plant perception
  • Track 8-2Pathway signals
  • Track 8-3Signal response
  • Track 8-4cell motility and differentiation

  Genetically Modified Organism is a plant, creature, microorganism or another life form whose hereditary cosmetics has been adjusted utilizing recombinant  DNA( rDNA) techniques. This temperately novel science makes an unpredictable merger of plants, creatures, bacterial and viral potentials that don't occur in landscape or through predictable hybridizing procedures. Genetically Modified Organism is any living being whose hereditary material has been changed and utilizing hereditary designing systems. GMOs are employed to distribute frequent drugs and genetically modified sustenance’s and it is commonly applied as a portion of reasonable investigation and the formation of dissimilar crops.

 Plant tissue culture is the technique of developing and maintaining plant cells, tissues or organs particularly on stimulated medium in suitable containers and maintains it in controlled environmental conditions. Any segment of a plant is taken out which is known as explant and grown in a test tube under complete sterile conditions. Cell seggrigation from explant forms callus which can be grown into another new plant. Plantlets can be regenerated by tissue culturing which involves different methods such as inoculation, incubation, regeneration, and hardening. Transgenic plants can be mobilized by tissue culturing techniques. Micropropagation is one of the  integrated technique which also involves in the regeneration of plants by various methods like Multiplication by Adventitious Shoots, Axillary Buds, and Apical Shoots, Multiplication Through Callus Culture, Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis

  • Track 9-1Genetic engineering techniques
  • Track 9-2Isolation of vectors
  • Track 9-3Insertion of Isolated gene into the host genome
  • Track 9-4Micro propagation
  • Track 9-5Regeneration pathways

Plant synthetic biology is the field of science that incorporates engineering principles with plant biology toward the design, production of new devices, traditional crop improvement and novel bioproduction in plants. The knowledge gained through Systems Biology research acts as a firm foundation for redesigning the gene pathways to accelerate the adaptation of plants to water-limited environments using plant synthetic biology techniques.

Plant Transcriptome is the set of all RNA molecules in one cell or a population of cells.  It differs from the exome in that it includes only those RNA molecules found in a specified cell population, and usually includes the amount of each RNA molecule in addition to the molecular identities.

  • Track 10-1Redesigning biological components
  • Track 10-2Identification and remediation of toxins
  • Track 10-3Intrinsic advantages to plants as synthetic biology systems
  • Track 10-4Transmission of plant viruses

The agronomic use of nanotechnology in plants can probably regulate normal plant generation backgrounds, taking into interpretation the skillful onset of agrochemicals and target-particular transference of biomolecules ). An improved understanding of the networks among nanoparticles and plant reactions, including their take-up, limitation, and action, could alter edit creation through expanded malady opposition, supplement use, and harvest yield. Nano agribusiness includes the work of Nano particles in farming these particles will give valuable impacts to crops.

Maintenance of crop health is important for successful farming in both qualities of produce and crop yield. The need of agricultural pest management is increasing day by day because one-fourth of the crop yield is being useless due to pest damage on crops. So, it became necessary for the development of a better tool for controlling insects by using pesticides. The initial and foremost step in pest management is identifying which insect is responsible for damage in each crop and then the formulation of pest management plan is suitable  to control the attack of pests in plants

  • Track 11-1Properties of biological systems
  • Track 11-2DNA nanotechnology
  • Track 11-3Applications of bionanosciences
  • Track 11-4Preventive cultural practices
  • Track 11-5 Integrated pest management
  • Track 11-6Acceptable pest levels

Plant anatomy is the part of botany, which is concerned with the study of the internal structure of plants. It is called as Phytotomy. Understanding plant function is the key to enhancing crop production, producing medicines, preserving plant biodiversity. Plant metabolism is known as the complex of chemical and physical events of respiration, photosynthesis, and the synthesis and degradation of organic compounds. Phytology deals with the scientific study of plants. It involves a wide range of scientific discipline such as structure, metabolism, growth, reproduction, development, diseases, and chemical properties, transportation and translocation of plants.

  • Track 12-1Herbalism
  • Track 12-2Biochemistry of plants
  • Track 12-3Biological pigment
  • Track 12-4Gene expression
  • Track 12-5Evolutionary developmental biology

Transgenic plants are obtained by introducing new characters to the plants by recombinant DNA technology. Plants containing transgenes are also called genetically modified crops.  These transgenic plants are developed by biolistic methods. Phytotoxins refers to toxic substance obtain from plants. These Phytotoxins create a significant change when it enters into the human food chain by disturbing ion channels and it blocks the activity of the central nervous system. maybe growth inhibitors, neurotoxins, carcinogens, and teratogens. Phytotoxins are classified based on their structural and chemical properties such as Alkaloids,Glycosides, Proteins, Anti-Vitamins etc.

  • Track 13-1Transgenic Modification
  • Track 13-2Cisgenic Modification
  • Track 13-3Subgenic Modification
  • Track 13-4Multiple trait integration
  • Track 13-5Phytotoxicity


Bioinformatics has transformed into a fundamental tool of various zones of science. in exploratory nuclear science bioinformatics frameworks for instance picture and banner taking care of allow extraction of supportive results from a great deal of rough data. 

The plant co-articulation is alternative web-based technique used for plant superiority investigation A common co-communicated class can creat frequent activities of co-articulation material that hold numerous potentials of enthusiasm for improvement investigation and also, co-communicated qualities can be distinguished and inventoried as long as near genomics by utilizing the 'Co-articulation quality analyze' highlight. 

  • Track 14-1Sequence analysis
  • Track 14-2Analysis of mutations in cancer
  • Track 14-3Analysis of cellular organization
  • Track 14-4Gene and protein expression

Present DNA technological approaches have progressed in such a way that we have been able to find homologyamong organisms and trace for evolutionary mechanisms even for a fate of a few nucleotides and also analyze the path and time of evolutionary deviations among different organisms. Not only based on anthropological point of view, but also from the homology of DNA sequences we have proved that Homo sapiens arose after hybridization in between two species of Homo. Furthermore, detailed investigations on DNA isolated from the fossil bones .biologists and biochemists have introduced modes of origin of Neanderthal and other Homospecies including Homo sapiens.