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University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

Title: Morphological characterization of interploid F6 populations of Brassica


Biography: Farhatullah


Six parental lines and their 42 F6 populations were evaluated at the University of Agriculture Peshawar during the cropping season 2015-16. Among F6 populations, maximum primary branches (5.4) were recorded for Bnr9F6.Populations Bnr25F6 and Bnr38F6 were early in flowering (78.7 days) maturity (171.4 days), respectively. Tallest plants (144.1cm) and longest pods (9.27 cm) were produced by population Bnr40F6. Longest main raceme (88.7 cm) was recorded for population Bnr3F6, while maximum pods on main raceme (46.7) were recorded for populations Bnr42F6. Maximum seeds pod-1 (21.14) and maximum protein contents (24.2 %) were recorded for population Bnr41F6. Population Bnr14F6 gave maximum 100-seed weight (0.93 g plant-1), while population Bnr41F6 gave high yield plant-1 (30.92 g plant-1). Population Bnr33F6 had maximum oil (54.8%) while low glucosinolate (80.55µmol/g) was recorded for population Bnr36F6. High oleic acid (50.52 %) was recorded for population Bnr13F6, while low erucic acid (49.2%) was recorded for population Bnr30F6. Among F5:6 populations, moderate to high heritability was recorded for all morphological and biochemical traits with high genetic advance. Cluster analysis classified the 42 F5:6 populations along their 6 parental lines into two main groups. Group I consist of 26 populations described for tallest plants (134.66 cm), maximum primary branches (3.94), seeds pod-1 (18.31), high protein (20.27%), high oleic acid (57.02%), longest main raceme (77.55 cm), longest pods (7.82 cm), high yield (19.64 g) and maximum seed weight (0.64 g). Group II consist of 22 populations are categorized for early maturity (171.80 days), minimum glucosinolate (82.96 umol/g), minimum linoleic acid (7.65%) and maximum 100-seed weight (0.83 g). The clustering pattern disclosed that every group had potential attributes for different characters and could be used in future breeding programs for desirable traits. Populations Bnr41F6 is recommended for use in further breeding programs as it had maximum protein, yield plant-1, protein contents and seeds pod-1.