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Yasinta Ratna E. Wulandari

Yasinta Ratna E. Wulandari

Atma Jaya Catholic University, Indonesia

Title: An Efficient Regeneration for Micropropagation of Morus spp. Using Axillary Buds


Biography: Yasinta Ratna E. Wulandari


Problem: Morus spp. known as mulberry plant contain many beneficial phytochemical. It has been suggested the multiplication with seed is slow and the root is weaker if stem cutting method is applied. The purpose of this study is to find the best composition medium in shoot induction, elongation, and rooting stage. Materials and Methods: Four mulberry species were used in this research, M. alba var. kanva-2, M. bombycis var. lembang, M. cathayana, and M. multicaulis. Explant used were axillary buds. There are 3 stages of regeneration: shoot induction, elongation and rooting. Shoot induction medium is MS supplemented with Benzyl Adenine (BA) 2.25 mg/L and Naphtalene Acetic Acid (NAA) 0.56 mg/L. Elongation medium is MS supplemented with BA (0.99 mg/L, 1.35 mg/L, 1.98 mg/L) and Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) 0.41mg/L. Rooting medium is ½ MS medium supplemented with IBA 1.02 mg/L and Activated Charcoal (AC) 1%. Data analysis:  Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Findings: M. multicaulis showed the best response in induction stage and showed the highest data in all parameters. In elongation stage, the highest shoot growth was recorded in MS medium supplemented with BA 1.98 mg/L and IBA 0.41 mg/L combination. M. multicaulis show the best response in shoot growth in this stage. In rooting stage, M. cathayana and M. multicaulis showed the significance difference in all parameters. ½ MS medium supplemented with IBA 1.02 mg/L and AC 1% more effective for rooting than control. Conclusion & Significance: M. multicaulis is the best mulberry species which showed the best response in all stages and the best concentration of BA is 1.98 mg/L. Recommendations are made to apply precise amount of hormone concentration and hormone combination to developed the best protocol in mass propagation of Morus spp. and also to support in vitro conservation.

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