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 Tatit Nurseta

Tatit Nurseta

Head division of oncology gynecology,Indonesia

Title: The Potency of Scurrula atropurpurea (Blume) Danser in The Proliferation and Apoptotic of HeLa Cell


Biography: Tatit Nurseta


The recent research show that cancer occurs because of the change of epigenetic in the cancer cell. The change of epigenetic happened due to hypermetilation or hypometilation in the DNA that cataysed by DNA metyl transferase enzyme. The hypermetilation of the promoter tumor suppressor gene which is causing Silencing of promoter tumor suppressor gene (TSG), hence it is inactive. Scurrula atropurpurea (Blume) danser contains flavonoids such as katechin, epikatechin, epikatechin gallat and epigalokatechin gallat (EGCG). EGCG has the ability to demetilation of cancer so it can reverse the the process of epigenetic and inhibit the activity of DNMT. It causes the demetilation and reactivation of gene that experienced Silencing as a result of metilation , including the tumor suppressor gene p16 . These falvanoids that have ability to inhibit the metilation of TSG and decrease of the ABCG2 gen expression so it will inhibit cancer proliferation and prevent the chemoresistancy. The metilation of gene p16 and ABCG2 gene influence the prevention on the proliferation and induction apoptotic in HeLa cell.