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Bao Le

Bao Le

Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea

Title: The large soybean and common bean ARF TF family expanded by segmental duplication events and expression analysis


Biography: Bao Le


Auxin response factors (ARFs) encode one of the most abundant groups of auxin mediated response transcription factors in higher plants and play as a major role in different biological process. The success of whole genome sequencing allows analysis more comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the ARF genes in plants. In the present study, we identified 80 ARF genes belonging to 5 different groups in legume species, soybean (55) and common bean (25) based on phylogenetic analysis and supported by motif analysis. The duplication event among two species has also observed by using Ka/Ks ratio. In soybean, a majority of ARF genes (40%; 22 of 55) were segmentally duplicated and 3.6% (2 of 55) of the genes were tandemly duplicated. This pattern was higher apparent in other plants. In addition, expression profiling indicated that ARF genes in soybean and common bean suggest its various functions in plant growth and development. Furthermore, Sp-1 and Skn-1 motif, which stable promoter involved in biotic and abiotic stresses and developmental processes were highly detected in all of GmARF. Together, our work contributes to a molecular evolution of the ARF gene family in legume species and is useful for future study.