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Mahendar Thudi

Mahendar Thudi

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India

Title: Reaping the benefits of genome sequence and re-sequence information for chickpea improvement


Biography: Mahendar Thudi


Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important annual pulse crops cultivated by resource poor farmers across the globe. Besides being the rich source of human dietary proteins, it improves the soil heath through symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Globally it is cultivated on over 13.2 Mha with an annual production of 13.1 million tons and productivity is less than 1 ton per ha much less than estimated potential of 6 t/ha under optimum growing conditions. In order to understand the impact of breeding on genetic diversity and gain insights into temporal trends in diversity in chickpea, a set of 100 chickpea varieties released in 14 countries between 1948 and 2012 were re-sequenced. For analysis, the re-sequencing data for 29 varieties available from an earlier study was combined and genome analysis was conducted for 129 genotypes. Linkage disequilibrium decay was higher in landraces than in breeding lines. Re-sequencing of a large number of varieties has provided opportunities to inspect the genetic and genomic changes reflecting the history of breeding, which we consider as breeding signatures and the selected loci may provide targets for crop improvement. In addition, the analysis provided insights into population structure, genetic diversity, gene loss, domestication and selection sweeps in this crop that is important for global food security in developing countries.

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