Biography: Peter J.Leggo
The aim of this research was to evaluate the properties and benefits of using an organo-zeolitic fertilizer (bio-fertilizer) for the production of biofuel and or food crops on contaminated and marginal land. Apart from the ever increasing cost of chemical fertilizers their use, over the last seventy or more years, has had a deleterious effect on soil health, (Ball, 2006). In contrast the bio-fertilizer, composed of organic waste and crushed zeolitic rock containing Clinoptilolite and commonly Mordenite zeolite, functions biologically in sponsoring nitrification. Ammonium ions, provided from the degradation of the organic component, are adsorbed to the zeolite mineral surface thus avoiding loss to the atmosphere by volatilization. On addition of the bio-fertilizer to soil oxidation of the ammonium ions, by soil nitrifying micro-organisms, provides major and trace element plant nutrients. Analysis of pore water, from substrates amended with the bio-fertilizer, has shown that its electrical conductivity is orders of magnitude higher than that of pore water from un-treated substrates. This is reflected in the high cationic mobility of the pore water, covering a wide range of elements, in ionic form, providing essential major and beneficial trace-elements that are directly available for plant uptake. Further work has shown that without the organic component the degree of plant growth is greatly reduced and the converse applies in that the application of the organic waste without the crushed zeolitic rock, again produces less growth. Many countries in the world have extensive deposits of zeolitic sediment, containing a high abundance of zeolite minerals, and the organic component, being animal or plant waste, is readily available.