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Shi Ying Yang

Shi Ying Yang

The University of Adelaide, Australia

Title: Faba bean (Vicia faba ) seed gene function expression profile study


Biography: Shi Ying Yang


Faba bean (Vicia faba ) is one of the important grain legume crops worldwide, which is commonly consumed as human food and animal feed. Faba bean (2n=12) genome is approximately 13.4Gb, the largest genome in the grain legume family. The faba bean seeds size is the biggest one in all of the grain crops. Our study applying RNA-Seq technology to construct the first faba bean genome de novo assembling. There was a total number of 47621 All-Unigene discovered in faba bean seeds by RNA –Sequence, length 27605508bp. And then investigated the faba bean seed genes function expression profile on comparison of the following traits: Hydration Index, Rust resistance, photoperiod response, seed staining and Ascochyta Blight pathogen resistance.