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Huaan Yang

Huaan Yang

Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Australia

Title: Application of next-generation sequencing, genome sequencing and whole genome re-sequencing to practical plant breeding: Case studies on lupin


Biography: Huaan Yang


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and whole genome sequencing bring us a deluge of genome and genetic variations. In lupin, we are applying NGS and genome sequencing technologies to help practical plant breeding through four avenues. (1) NGS as DNA fingerprinting for rapid trait-marker association discovery. Markers closely linked to disease resistance genes were successfully discovered by NGS-based RAD sequencing, and were applied to marker assisted selection (MAS) in lupin. (2) Genome sequencing for developing functional markers. We completed the draft genome sequence of lupin; a diagnostic marker linked to anthracnose disease resistance gene was developed by gene annotation and further confirmed by genetic mapping. (3) Genome sequencing to developed cost-effective markers. In the last 15 years, DAFWA has developed over a dozen of gel-based InDel markers linked to various genes of agronomic traits of interest in lupin. Using the draft lupin genome sequence as templates, all previously developed InDel markers were converted into a cost-effective SNP markers to suit modern SNP genotyping platform. (4) Whole genome re-sequencing for developing diagnostic markers for MAS. We recently resequenced the whole genomes of17 lupin lines; several million markers were documented and 207,887 markers were anchored on the lupin genetic linkage map. We demonstrated two protocols of using whole-genome resequencing data for rapid development of diagnostic markers for MAS. In conclusion, the cases in lupin represent one of a few successful cases where NGS and genomes sequencing have been used as routine tools for molecular plant.